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What is e-liquid?

What is e-liquid?
What is e-liquid?

E-liquid is a fluid that is heated up in an e-cigarette device. This heated fluid is turned into a water-based vapour.

E-liquid itself is made up of four ingredients which include propylene glycol, vegetable glycerine, flavourings and nicotine if desired.

Propylene Glycol

Propylene Glycol or PG is the provider of flavour in e-liquid, it is nearly odourless and carries a faintly sweet taste.

Whilst a core ingredient in e-liquid, PG can also be found in foods, medicines and many other products to keep them moist. PG is a substance that has been investigated since the 1940s and is generally considered safe to inhale and swallow.

There are some who are sensitive or allergic to propylene glycol. If you start to feel unwell, its recommended that you switch to a higher VG e-liquid, if the reaction is more severe then stop altogether.

Vegetable Glycerine

Vegetable Glycerine or VG is a smoothing ingredient that gives a more tangible and satisfying vaping experience. The VG thickens the e-liquid mixture, which makes high VG e-liquid more suitable for larger sub-ohm devices.

VG is an odourless substance that is subtle sweet in taste. Similar to PG, VG is used elsewhere, particularly in the food industry as a sweetener and to also keep foods moist. It can also be found in many herbal and cosmetic products and medicines.

Again, VG has been studied by scientists who found it to be virtually non-toxic or non-irritating to the skin or digestive system. No health problems have been linked to the use of vegetable glycerine.


Flavourings in e-liquid are similar to those used in foods to enhance flavours. Flavourings in e-liquid have been disputed for a long time, with many misconceptions arising.

This primarily comes from reports of ‘popcorn lung’ which is a misused term. Popcorn lung was a term that became popular in the 2000s when workers in a popcorn factory inhaled a butter flavouring that contained the chemical diacetyl. 

Diacetyl is a substance that is safe to eat but not to inhale, if inhaled it can cause bronchiolitis obliterans which is a type of lung disease.

In the UK all e-liquid must be compliant to current regulations which eradicate diacetyl in e-liquid produced by trusted companies.

At Vampire Vape all flavourings and flavour concentrate bottles are mixed with EU Food Grade flavourings that are approved by leading experts. Furthermore, all our e-liquid is screened by a third-party laboratory that screens e-liquid for harmful carbonyls, including diacetyl. Once this has passed the test, the flavour compositions are disclosed to the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to be registered and sold in the market.


Nicotine is a chemical ingredient derived from the tobacco plant. It is an addictive substance and does carry some health risks.

Nicotine is an ingredient that doesn’t always have to be present as some vapers choose to vape e-liquid with no nicotine. For those who select nicotine-infused e-liquid, they can choose from varying nicotine strengths, including 3mg, 6mg, 12mg and 18mg.

In case you didn't know!

  • E-liquid and e-cigarette products are highly regulated products due to current laws. Here in the UK, every bottle of e-liquid has to follow a strict manufacturing process to ensure that the finished product is safe.
  • How a person vapes can be defined in two ways, MTL or Mouth to Lung or DTL, Direct to Lung. New vapers or those who use standard 10ml of either 50PG/50VG or 60PG/40VG are likely to be MTL vapers. 
  • DTL vaping is favoured among veteran or sub-ohm vapers, and it’s the process of taking long draws on your e-cigarette, allowing the vapour to travel to your lungs directly. In doing this, a person will exhale more vapour, which is often a satisfying notion for more experienced vapers. Direct-to-lung vapers typically use higher VG e-liquid.
  • Just like e-liquid, Nic Salts carry far fewer toxins than cigarettes and are fully compliant under EU/UK regulations.
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